
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Trust me.

Trust me.

Do you trust me?

That simple string of words has an e c h o  to it, doesn't it?

almost like a ripple,
a disturbance in some degree.

There are so many reasons to not trust people,
 to live scared within the walls you've built around yourself.

Within the walls of your fortress of solitude.

If I've learned anything in my mere 20 years on this planet, its that bad shit happens.

and it really doesn't matter.

Don't get it twisted, those experiences are very important.

I got hit with something the other day while driving blindly on Oasis Street
with Cards Against Humanity in my passenger seat,
I was on my way into some doors I thought we're closed,
driving with no idea what was going to be within the doors.

This is what i head:

Sometimes the Lord needs to strip us to remind us who we are,
and what we have in him, more so who we are in him.

He brought us into this world naked and when we get brought back
to that raw state, instead of cursing him,

I began to thank him.

I thanked him not only for who he is, but who I am.
The special person he designed me to be.

I had to stop looking up and staying down, my prayers had been in a place of frustration,
frustrated in what I had lost, and in a moment it clicked. I had not lost anything but my sight.

Nothing in this world compares to what your father in heaven, Abba, has.

I don't just mean his gifts, because yes they are great, and beyond my little minds comprehension. 

I mean simply him.
Who he is.
Getting to know him,

What an honour.

No matter who you lose, what you lose, what you've lost, or what you're losing.
Never lose yourself.

Never give up who you are, 
who you were made to be,
because you lost something, someone, or somewhere in between.

I know it sounds crazy, but no matter what dark place you go into,
the greatest light in the world is actually right there with you.
Acting as a lamp below your feet, guiding you, 
Wherever you run,
However long you hide,

He sees you.
He loves you.
and he is passionately, 
chasing you..

Have peace, and blessings,
my friends.
and oh!
 to tie together my title and come full circle,
whatever you're going through,
trust the Lord and that he is working on it for your benefit,
God isn't mad at you, 
he doesn't want to punish you

he wants you and your love.

Whatever it is that is pressing on your heart,

just say,  

       "Hey dad,

i surrender,

have your way,

i give it to you,

i trust you with it,

i believe in your love for me,

i believe in your ability,

and i see who you are,

just as you see who i am,

and i trust you to help me
through this situation,

and i trust that you
have plans of good,

and that you will never
forsake me,

you will never
abandon me,

you have always
chased me,

I love you and
i am so thankful
that you are on 
my side,

my friend,
my father,
my God.

In Jesus name,

Stay up!
Sorry i haven't posted in a  millennium.