Life is made up from millions of moments.
Good ones and Bad ones.
I’m nothing special for thinking of this.
But I’m not trying to be special.
I’m trying to be real.
I’ve been dealing with moments for what feels like a
millennium now.
To me, my memory of the past is like this giant library, one
with shelves from the floor to the ceiling; all filled neatly with VHS movies.
I can pull one down and remember exactly where it goes and what will happen
when I play it.
Then we get to the DVD’s and most of them are really well
filled, like my first encounter with God, first Christian relationship, first
time serving, I know where all those go and I can put them in order easily, and
I remember how each memory ends.
And about halfway through some of these memories you get
some reoccurring characters, some that star in some and just appear briefly in
others. Sometimes you only get to wish that they had showed up in that moment.
There’s a section of my library, I guess maybe the Blu-ray,
where a bunch of films are just laying on the ground, and I mean I remember
each one, I just haven’t yet fully understood them.
So I keep watching them,
trying to make sense
of the ending,
trying to guess at what happens in the sequel.
The problem with making a mess of memories, is that it
effects your future.
And most the times
you don’t realize the mess you’ve made until you’re trying
to clean it up.
I’m learning to love each moment as it comes.
I haven’t yet.
I want to hold so many of them
But just as much as I long for them,
so do the shelves
that were built solely for them.
What im trying to say is that life is filled with so many
And its really hard to enjoy new ones if you’re only paying
attention to old ones.
Each moment is only as good or bad as you make it.
Yeah that’s right, you get to make moments.
Some moments are made for us,
But that’s only half the beauty.
If you want to make more,
Simply make them.
Don’t compare them to the ones before
Because all that does is diminish it.
Its moments that make up a lifetime,
So at some point in your life you’ve got to make time for
Stop watching the old ones because they make you laugh or
make you cry.
Because you wish the ending was different.
Truth is, a moment that’s past will never come back,
But a moment to come can only last if you let it move to the
Moments are only meant to be momentary, and when you try to make them
something that they aren't thats when they fight back.
You have a lifetime of moments ahead of you.
Don’t waste them on the ones behind you.
Make new ones with the people you love,
And love people every moment that you make them.
If you’ve got one moment that you’re holding onto,
And you’re thinking of it right now,
That makes you hurt,
Or makes you happy.
Or makes you happy and then hurt.
L e t i t g o.
Holding it only restricts you from going out and making a
new one.
I’m not saying give it up.
Or give up on it.
I’m saying 1.) pick it up, 2.) put it on the shelf, and 3.) go
make another moment.
and then
Repeat steps 1,2, and 3.
And make sure you do it with the people you love.
Moments are meant to be shared.
And some people are worth more of your moments.