
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Love is ____

Falling in love is a moment. 

It's a million of them. 

It's giving the last piece of bread when your stomach isn't full.

And if it's real, who you give it to will rip it in half and hand half of it back. 

Falling in love isn't an instant but an instance, it happens in just a moment, but it's more than just looking at someone's smile and being infatuated with them, it's looking at them, knowing why they're smiling and feeling your soul grin. 

Love is a whitewashed, handy down, worn down, blown out word. 

I believe that my generation specifically has forgotten what words mean. 

It's Fire means it's good
Being savage makes your cool

We are changing, more than just our language, but us as individuals. 

Everyone always says hate is a strong word, well I say love is a stronger one. 

People should stop falling in love and start jumping into it. 

Don't love someone because of "the moment" but love every moment with someone. 

Learn to be in love, by first learning what love means. 

You don't learn what love means by looking up the definition. Love is not literature. 
You can't memorize it. 

Whatever your definition of love is, it's not it. 
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying that love is no one thing, it's either everything or nothing. 

Love is life and it's also s lifestyle. 

You are love. 
You are hate. 
You are whatever you choose to be. 

Giving away your love is the only way that you can keep it. 
Learn how to love, by giving it without getting it. 

Learn how to love by asking only what others need. 

Learn how to love by expecting nothing and going above expectations. 

Learn to love by forgetting its definition, and becoming it. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Our soul

We are all of one soul. 

We all have many unique personalities and characters. 

But we share the same soul. The soul of the universe the soul of the creator. 

We are all individually  unique special and beautiful. 

And our soul is just as unique special and beautiful,

But it's all of the same source. 

A leaf off the same branch. 

The thing is, although we share the same soul, all of us, it's just an amazing, wonderful depiction of the illimitable complexity of our wonderful Father. 

It's a delineation of how multifarious God is. 
All of  our souls are unique but the same because they are just portions, fractions, pieces of the collective soul of God, the creator, the universe, love and all things beautiful.  

I love your soul. 


Friday, April 1, 2016


Life is made up from millions of moments.

Good ones and Bad ones.
I’m nothing special for thinking of this.

But I’m not trying to be special.
I’m trying to be real.

I’ve been dealing with moments for what feels like a millennium now.

To me, my memory of the past is like this giant library, one with shelves from the floor to the ceiling; all filled neatly with VHS movies. I can pull one down and remember exactly where it goes and what will happen when I play it.

Then we get to the DVD’s and most of them are really well filled, like my first encounter with God, first Christian relationship, first time serving, I know where all those go and I can put them in order easily, and I remember how each memory ends.

And about halfway through some of these memories you get some reoccurring characters, some that star in some and just appear briefly in others. Sometimes you only get to wish that they had showed up in that moment.

There’s a section of my library, I guess maybe the Blu-ray, where a bunch of films are just laying on the ground, and I mean I remember each one, I just haven’t yet fully understood them.

So I keep watching them,
 trying to make sense of the ending,
trying to guess at what happens in the sequel.

The problem with making a mess of memories, is that it effects your future.
And most the times
you don’t realize the mess you’ve made until you’re trying to clean it up.

I’m learning to love each moment as it comes.
I haven’t yet.
I want to hold so many of them
But just as much as I long for them,
 so do the shelves that were built solely for them.

What im trying to say is that life is filled with so many moments,
And its really hard to enjoy new ones if you’re only paying attention to old ones.

Each moment is only as good or bad as you make it.

Yeah that’s right, you get to make moments.

Some moments are made for us,
But that’s only half the beauty.

If you want to make more,
Simply make them.

Don’t compare them to the ones before
Because all that does is diminish it.

Its moments that make up a lifetime,
So at some point in your life you’ve got to make time for moments.

Stop watching the old ones because they make you laugh or make you cry.
Because you wish the ending was different.
Truth is, a moment that’s past will never come back,
But a moment to come can only last if you let it move to the past.
Moments are only meant to be momentary, and when you try to make them
something that they aren't thats when they fight back.

You have a lifetime of moments ahead of you.
Don’t waste them on the ones behind you.

Make new ones with the people you love,
And love people every moment that you make them.

If you’ve got one moment that you’re holding onto,
And you’re thinking of it right now,
That makes you hurt,
Or makes you happy.
Or makes you happy and then hurt.

L e t   i t   g o.
Holding it only restricts you from going out and making a new one.
I’m not saying give it up.
Or give up on it.

I’m saying 1.) pick it up, 2.) put it on the shelf, and 3.) go make another moment.
and then

Repeat steps 1,2, and 3.

And make sure you do it with the people you love.

Moments are meant to be shared.
And some people are worth more of your moments.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I call this one the double-standard doorbell

The doorbell rings.

I set down my yellow notepad, take off my headphones, and I open the door.

I don't look to see who it is.
Because I already know,
it's the same doorbell with every press,
but her finger has a certain ring to it.

Doors open and in a moment a wave floods through my door,
Like an arroyo being filled with rain.

I let the waters rise.

with each wave that washes over me,
I hear the tiny detests, 
the painful memories,
the has beens,
and should haves.

the would haves.

the debris in the water never bothered me, 
in fact
I kind of liked the way it bumped up against me and I got to be the one to look at it, 
pick it up and make sense of it, 
figure out what it use to be a part of and how it got there.

The waterway that rushed in, covers me completely now 
and I hold my breath, open my eyes and start to swim. 
My hair is floating about enjoying the lack of gravity,
my clothes are heavy but my strength is still sturdy.

I wade and listen to the waters,
listening until they've calmed 
and proceed to exit through the same door they came in through.

The waters gone, but everything's wet.
My clothes cling to me like I am all that exists.

I play in the puddles as I hear the door close,
Look for my notepad but realise it was lost in the waters.


I leave my now sodden house I used to call my home, and I walk up to her door.


I ring the doorbell,

and no one answers.

A double-standard Doorbell.