We all have battles.
It's really obvious, at least to me, that we're all facing something.
Whether its bills, loved ones, or thyself we all got something that's going on.
I'm at a point in my life where my gloves are ripping and my face is bloody.
I've got a lot of people telling me that they see greatness in me, but it doesn't really matter until i see it.
I'm in the ring fighting and fighting but the part that snares me is that I don't want to fight.
I guess you could call it a cage fight.
I read in a good book that it's the meek who inherit the world.
well what if i don't want the world and I'm still meek?
what do i have to gain but memories and scars?
we all feel like we're running out of strength but gaining weights.
and i remember Hercules told me that
"a true hero isn't measured in the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart. "
and well i have a big heart.
But i read somewhere that only God sees a mans heart.
I don't have much that I cling to but what I do, i cling to hard.
i guess what I'm saying is that i don't have a lot i fight for,
but what i do fight for, i fight for a lot.
I was taught empathy and compassion by my Father, yes my dad did a great job raising me, but he is not who I'm calling Father right now.
If you haven't gotten it by now I love God.
in fact he's the only thing I truly trust and if you are agitated by my belief in God than I'm sorry
but anger and agitation over love is truly evil.
what I'm getting at is that we have battles, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and its not about how much strength we exhibit in battle. Its about our cause, about our willingness to get up, and its about what makes us get back up.
I promise you that i would have heard the eternal Ref counting to three while i slip into the darkness of unconsciousness a long time ago if it was not for something bigger than myself.
I've been through a lot, and i've been through a lot less than some others. I don't compare my trials and turmoil to others because its not fair to them or to myself because undeniably the things we feel are real to us. These things may be sourced from deception and lies, but the responsibility of feeling them and handling them will forever be a real thing.
I don't have much left to say but I truly pray that you don't give up. shit i don't even know you but I'm still praying for you. When i pray for people I've never met i often wonder if I'm the only person who thinks and feels the way i do... and I'm starting to think i am.
but thats alright,
because God made us all different and thats what makes us so individually special to him.
I'll stop preaching but if I give you guys an inch today of who i am, its that I'm inexplicably passionate. And that my passion is what makes me live, and my passion is what kills me.
whatever you battle today, do not give up. you're not weak, you're not broken, and you're not done.
Keep fighting and dodge those uppercuts, there is nothing wrong with getting hit, but theres something abominable in giving up.